About LPSI
The Lubbock Plastic Surgery Institute is headed by Dr. Robert P. Schmid, Dr. R. Clark Mooty and Dr. Edward Daniele to serve the cosmetic and reconstructive surgery needs of West Texas and East New Mexico. With two offices, one in Lubbock and one in Midland, TX, Dr. Schmid, Dr. Mooty and Dr. Daniele treat patients from nearby Odessa, Amarillo, Abilene, and more. With a dedicated, experienced staff, The Lubbock Plastic Surgery Institute confidently offers a wide variety of cosmetic and reconstructive service, including breast, body, face, and skin surgeries as well as many non-surgical options. LPSI invites visitors to learn more about our two surgeons, our excellent staff, and the features of our Lubbock and Midland offices.
* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.