Underarm Sweat Reduction Image
Underarm Sweat Reduction

Underarm Sweat Reduction in Lubbock, TX

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Would you like to eliminate the need for deodorant and/or antiperspirant? At Lubbock Plastic Surgery Institute/the MedSpa at LPSI we are pleased to offer nonsurgical underarm sweat reduction with miraDry to help residents in the Texas Panhandle find relief from significant armpit perspiration. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to safely eliminate sweat glands, the miraDry system is fast, comfortable, and requires no recovery time. During the procedure, the miraDry hand piece is passed over the underarm areas so specialized energy pulses to permanently eliminate sweat glands in the area. Stop sweating through your shirts in the Texas heat by scheduling at consultation at The Lubbock Plastic Surgery Institute/the MedSpa at LPSI to learn more about miraDry.

Request a Consultation

Procedure Process

miraDry treatments can be performed in the minor procedures room of our office in about 1 -2 hours with local anesthesia applied to the underarm area. While the procedure in not invasive, the local anesthesia makes the process more comfortable for patients. The miraDry device is applied directly to the sweat glands in the armpits, so the energy pulses immediately eliminate the glands. Both underarms are usually treated in one appointment and the patient is free to leave and resume their normal activities after their treatment.

What to Expect

Patients leave our office after miraDry treatments as soon as they feel able. The local anesthesia may make the armpits numb for a while after your procedure, but you should be able to return to work or your daily routine immediately after. Some patients may have some swelling or discomfort in the treated area for a few days, which can be treated with icepacks and over-the-counter pain relievers. Patients should give their underarms a few days to rest and heal fully before resuming exercise or other activity that may cause sweat.

miraDry FAQs

Ideal Candidates?

miraDry treatments can be very helpful for both men and women who suffer from excessive underarm sweating, whether it has been diagnosed by a doctor or not. Patients who benefit from miraDry may be using a lot of strong or prescription antiperspirants, but still have sweat stains on their clothing. Schedule a consultation to learn if you are a good candidate who can benefit from a miraDry treatment.

Number of Treatments?

For best results, most patients will need at least 2 treatments spaced 2 - 3 months apart. While significant results are seen by most patients after their first treatment, a clinical study shows that most patients will have an 80% reduction in underarm perspiration after their second treatment.

Is miraDry Safe?

Since only a small percent of your total body sweat glands are found under the arm, it is safe to permanently eliminate sweat glands in the armpits with miraDry treatments. miraDry has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a long-lasting solution to hyperhidrosis. To learn more about miraDry treatments, including questions about safety and other concerns, schedule a consultation at our office.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.